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Zyxel IES-5005 DSLAM |
(Artikel ini diupdate pada bulan Desember 2020)
ZyXEL IPDSLAM IES-5005 adalah seri DSLAM 5000 yang dilengkapi dengan Gigabit backplane non-blocking, failover-enabled Management Switch Card (MSC), modul dual power, dan high-port density DSL line cards. Dengan tertanamnya fitur IP-centric QoS, keamanan, dan firmware multicast, IES-5000/5005 adalah sistem berbasis sasis yang memfasilitasi Telco / ISP yang memberikan pengalaman berkualitas tinggi kepada pelanggan perumahan dan bisnis.
Ini adalah arsitektur IES DSLAM diimplementasikan dalam Telekomunikasi ISP.
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Arsitektur DSLAM IES |
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Interkoneksi DSLAM IES-5005 ke Modem IES 708 DSL PORT |
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IES-5000 ZyXEL memiliki tinggi 6.5RU dan sistem berbasis sasis 10 slot dengan bingkai splitter 5RU terpisah. Dua dari 10 slot dicadangkan untuk Management Switch Cards (MSC) dan 8 slot sisanya untuk kartu terminasi saluran DSL. Kartu jalur ADSL2 / ADSL2 + / G.SHDSL.bis memiliki 48 port sedangkan kartu jalur VDSL2 dilengkapi dengan 24 port. Dalam rak standar, Anda dapat menginstal hingga 7 unit tanpa chassis splitter atau sampai dengan 4 unit dengan chassis splitter. MSC memiliki 4 port GE untuk uplink dan subtending. Dengan fitur subtending, IES-5000 dapat dihubungkan ke rack sentral, atau dihubungkan ke produk IES lainnya sesuai kebutuhan. Uplink dapat digunakan untuk agregasi traffic. Dalam kasus Management Switch Cards (MSC) gagal dalam beroperasi, MSC kedua akan mengambil alih kendali dalam waktu 1 detik.
Desain compact dari IES-5005 dengan tinggi 4RU dan sistem berbasis chassis 5-slot dengan splitter 3RU yang terpisah. Satu slot cadangan untuk kartu MSC dan 4 slot sisanya untuk kartu terminasi saluran DSL. Kartu jalur ADSL2 / ADSL2 + / G.SHDSL.bis memiliki 48 port sedangkan kartu jalur VDSL2 dilengkapi dengan 24 port. Dalam rak standar, Anda dapat menginstal hingga 10 unit tanpa chassis splitter atau sampai dengan 6 unit dengan chassis splitter. IES-5005 mendukung remote terminal (RT) dan menggunakan MSC dan line-card seperti IES-5000.
Beberapa Layanan Standar DSL
Empat kartu saluran DSL hot-swappable (ADSL2 + melalui POTS, ADSL2 + melalui ISDN, G.SHDSL, dan VDSL2) tersedia. ADSL2 + melalui POTS dan ADSL2 + melalui ISDN memberikan pelanggan bandwidth transmisi asimetris hingga 25 Mbps / 1,2 Mbps. G.SHDSL.bis menyediakan bandwidth transmisi simetris sebesar 4.096 Mbps, 8.192 Mbps, atau hingga 16.384 Mbps (serupa dengan leased line). VDSL2 menawarkan konektivitas berkecepatan tinggi hingga 65 Mbps / 35 Mbps per port dengan berbagai jarak loop melalui kabel tembaga.
Fungsi Triple Play yang Advance
IES-5000/5005 menyediakan ATM QoS (UBR / VBR / CBR) dan Ethernet L2 QoS lengkap pada kartu baris. IP QoS (Klasifikasi paket / Pembatasan Tarif / Penjadwalan Antrian) juga disediakan di kartu Penghentian Jaringan. Penghubung dan agregasi PVC ke VLAN yang canggih memungkinkan QoS ujung ke ujung serta berbagai alokasi dan penyediaan layanan. Selain itu, IES-5000/5005 mendukung penerusan lalu lintas non-pemblokiran dan fitur multicast hingga 256 grup multicast dan 384/192 anggota per grup. IES-5000/5005 dapat memproses lebih dari 30 permintaan bergabung / keluar IGMP multicast per detik dan waktu pemrosesan saluran maksimum kurang dari 250ms. Untuk keamanan, IES-5000/5005 menyediakan spoofing alamat anti-MAC / IP, pencegahan badai siaran, pembatasan jumlah MAC, dan pemfilteran paket berbasis kebijakan. Semua fitur ini memungkinkan ISP / operator Telco untuk menyediakan akses Internet Kecepatan Tinggi, VoIP, Near VOD, Broadcast TV dan TV on demand, dan fitur lainnya dengan mudah.
Desain Keamanan Fisik yang Kuat
IES-5000/5005 ZyXEL menjamin keamanan fisik dengan menyematkan sensor tegangan, suhu, dan kecepatan KIPAS. Ketika kondisi abnormal terdeteksi, LED akan ditampilkan dan / atau alarm yang sesuai akan memperingatkan Anda akan situasi tersebut. Jika suhu sistem lebih tinggi dari ambang batas yang dikonfigurasi, perlindungan pemutusan termal akan bekerja dan sistem akan mati secara otomatis.
Sistem Manajemen Elemen OAM & P (EMS) yang canggih
IES-5000/5005 ZyXEL menyediakan berbagai metode manajemen: port konsol lokal, konfigurasi berbasis Web, Telnet, dan EMS berbasis SNMP v1 / v2 / V3 (NetAtlas Access EMS). Fungsi manajemen yang disertakan adalah Alarm dan Pengawasan Status, Manajemen konfigurasi, Manajemen kinerja, dan manajemen Kesalahan. IES-5000/5005 memungkinkan Anda membuat beberapa akun administratif dan 3 tingkat hak akses. Akun dengan hak istimewa tingkat pertama memiliki hak akses penuh. Akun hak istimewa tingkat kedua memiliki hak akses yang sama seperti akun tingkat pertama kecuali untuk pengelolaan akun. Akun tingkat ketiga hanya dapat melihat pengaturan konfigurasi dan statistik kinerja. NetAtlas Access EMS juga menyediakan manajemen MIB berbasis tampilan dan antarmuka arah utara berbasis XML. Fitur-fitur ini memungkinkan operator Telco untuk menyediakan layanan grosir ke CLEC dan ISP yang lebih kecil.
Spesifikasi Sistem.
DSL Compliant
- G.992.1 Annex A, G.992.3 Annex A, G.992.5 Annex A
- G.992.1 Annex B, G.992.3 Annex B, G.992.5 Annex B
- Support G.992.3 and G.992.5 spectral mask
- Support Annex M and Annex L in G.992.3 and G.992.5
- Support EOC and Overhead channel access
- Support the latency path function
- Support loop diagnostic function specified
- Support power management capability
- Support the capability of the Seamless Rate Adaptation (SRA) on-line configuration
- Single and dual end loop test
- G.998.1 port bonding
- SHDSL: G.991.2, G.991.2.bis, G.998.1
- VDSL2: G.993.2, G.994.1, G.997.1.
ATM Traffic Management
- Support 8 PVC per DSL port
- Support UBR, CBR, rt-VBR, nrt-VBR QoS mechanisms
- Support ATM Forum TM 4.0 peak cell rate traffic parameter
- Support downstream traffic shaping function per ATM PVC
- Support ATM F5 OAM cells for end-to-end loop backtest (ITU-T Rec. I.610)
- Eight queues with packet priority scheduling (SPQ, WRR)
- Support 256 IGMP multicast groups
- The maximum channel zapping processing time is 250 ms
- DSCP to 802.1p mapping
- Per-port and per VLAN isolation
- IEEE 802.1X (authentication)
- Rule-based packet filtering (L2 ~L4 ACL)
- MAC count limiting
- ARP broadcast filtering
- DHCP broadcast filtering
- VLAN aware DHCP snooping
- NetBIOS filtering
- IGMP filtering
- Anti IP/MAC address spoofing
- Support TACACS+ remote authentication
- 4096 IEEE 802.1Q compliant VLAN tagging
- VLAN stacking (Q-in-Q)
- VLAN bridge function (multiple PVCs to one VLAN) (N:1)
- PVC and VLAN one to one mapping (1:1)
- VLAN trunking (single PVC join multiple VLAN) (1:N)
- Support GVRP function
Traffic Management
- Bandwidth control and broadcast/multicast/unknown unicast control on Gigabit Ethernet ports
- STP: IEEE 802.1d, IEEE 802.1w, IEEE 802.1s
- IP bridge
- IEEE 802.3ad (Link aggregation control protocol)
- IP multicast forwarding
- IGMP v1, v2, v3 snooping/proxy
- IGMP multicasting channel limiting
- VLAN aware DHCP snooping
- DHCP relay option 82 with sub-option 1 & 2
- TR-101 compliant PPPoE intermediate agent
- Multicast bandwidth control
- L2~L4 ACL
- IGMP group count/filtering profile
VoIP Features
- Codes : G.711, G.726, G.729 a/b G.723.1
- Network signaling protocols : ITU-T H.248 v2, SIP v2 (RFC3261)
- RTP (RFC 1889)
- RTCP (RFC 1890)
- FAX/Modem pass through (T.38) via RTP
- Tone detection and generation (bi-directional)-RFC2833 RTP Payload for DTMF
- Echo cancellation and auto gain control ( G.165, G.168)
- Voice Activity Detection (VAD)
- Comfort Noise Generation (CNG)
- Caller ID generation and detection
- Supplementary services
- Local dial available
- Emergency call local route
- Do not disturb
- Selective/anonymous call rejection
- Call waiting
- Call transfer (blind and attended transfer)
- Call return and call back on busy
- Off-hook warning tone
Network management
- Local management through a craft terminal
- Web-based management interface
- Cluster management (up to 8 cluster members)
- View-based network management
- Support XML-based North Bound Interface (through ZyXEL NetAtlas Access)
- In-band and out-of-band IP interface for management (SSH, SFTP)
- SNMP Management (through ZyXEL NetAtlas Access)
- SNMPv1/v2c/V3 agent/traps
- Standard MIBs
- RFC 1213 MIB-II
- ADSL line MIB (RFC2662)/ Extension line MIB(RFC 3440)
- SHDSL line MIB (RFC 3276)
- VDSL line MIB (RF3728)
- Bridge MIB/Extension MIB
- RMON MIB (RFC 1757)
- Vendor-specific MIBs, e.g.,
- Chassis Management MIB (Fan speed, Voltage, Temperature)
Hardware Specifications - IES-5005M
- 5-slot rack-mountable enclosure, 19" or 23" chassis
- 4 slots for line termination cards
- 1 slot for management and switch cards
- 2 DC power input module and filter
- One FAN and dust filter module
Management Switch Card - MSC1000G
- Embedded 24G, non-blocking full-duplex switching fabric
- Two 1000M interface modules (SFP + copper) for subtending
- Two 1000BASE-SX/LX/EX/ZX (mini-GBIC, SFP) interface for uplink
- One RS232 (DB-9) serial console port
- One 10/100M out-of-band Mgmt interface
- One external alarm IO port
E1 IMA Card - IMA1408G-81
- Hot-swappable 8-port E1 IMA card, 8 groups per card
- Support G.703, G.704
- Full-duplex bandwidth up to 16M
- One mini-RJ11 console port
- Support RFC1483/1577/2364/2684
- Support ATM Forum Rec UNI 3.0, UNI 3.1, UNI 4.0
- Support ITU-TI.361, I.371, G.804
Ethernet Line Card - ELC1220G-55
- Support 20 open slots for Fast Ethernet SFP (100BASE-FX/BX/LX/EX)
- One mini-RJ-11 console
- Aggregates layer-2 traffic from Fast Ethernet subscribers to the chassis system
- Support multicast VLAN, IGMP snooping, IGMP filter, and static multicast functions for MoD services
- Support DHCP relay, option82, and snooping functions
- Support ACL, anti-IP address spoofing, and anti-MAC address spoofing security functions
VDSL Line Card - VLC1424G-56
- Hot-swappable 24-port VDSL2 line card
- Support G.993.2, G.994.1, G.997.1
- Maximum transmission rate up to 100 Mbps/100 Mbps
- One mini-RJ11 console port
- Two gigabit backplane
- Support VDSL2 profiles 8a, 8b, 8c, 8d, 12a, 12b, 17a and 30a
- Support frequency allocation band plan 998 and 997
- Support customer PSD, RFI notch, single latency in PTM mode and INP
- Support trellis coding
- Support IEEE 802.1ag Connectivity Fault Management (CFM)
VDSL Line Cards - VLC1348G-51/VLC1348-53/VLC1324G-51/VLC1324G-53
- Hot-swappable 48-port/24-port VDSL2 line card over POTS and over ISDN
- Support G.993.2, G.994.1, G.997.1
- Maximum transmission rate up to 100Mbps/50Mbps
- One mini-RJ11 console port
- Two gigabit backplane
- Support VDSL2 profiles 8a, 8b, 8c, 8d, 12a, 12b and 17a
- Support frequency allocation band plan 998 and 997
- Support U0 band, customer PSD, RFI notch, single latency in PTM mode and INP
- Support UPBO and DPBO, Reed Solomon and Trellis coding
- Support ADSL fall back with ADSL/ADSL2/ADSL2+ CPE in Annex A, J, M, L modes
- Support IEEE 802.1ag Connectivity Fault Management (CFM)
ADSL Line Cards - ALC1372G-51/AL1248G-51
- Hot-swappable 72-port/48-port ADSL2/ADSL2+ Annex A line card
- Maximum transmission rate up to 25 Mbps/2.4 Mbps for ADSL2+
- One mini-RJ11 console port
- One gigabit backplane
- Support G.992.3 and G.992.5 spectral mask
- Support EOC and overhead channel access defined in G.992.3 and Rec.G.997.1
- Support the latency path function specified in G.992.3 and G.992.5
- Support Annex L and Annex M specified in G.992.3 and G.992.5
- Support loop diagnostic function specified in G.992.3 and G.992.5
- Support the power management capability specified in G.992.3 and G.992.5
- Support the capability of the Seamless Rate Adaptation (SRA) on-line configuration specified in G.992.3 and G.992.5
- Support ADSL2+ 2-port bonding (G.998.1)
ADSL Line Cards - ALC1248G-53
- Hot-swappable 48-port ADSL2/ADSL2+ Annex B line card
- Support Annex M and Annex L specified in G.992.3 and G.992.5
- Maximum transmission rate up to 25 Mbps/2.4 Mbps for ADSL2+
- One mini-RJ11 console port
- One gigabit backplane
SHDSL Line Card - SLC1248G-22
- Hot-swappable 48-port SHDSL/SHDSL.bis line card
- Support ETSI TS 101 524 V 1.2.1, ITU-T G.991.2, ITU-T G.991.2.bis
- ATM-based multi-pair bonding (G.998.1) up to 8 ports
- An asymmetric transmission rate of 5.69 Mbps/port
- One mini-RJ11 console port
- One gigabit backplane
- Support IEEE EFM
VoIP Line Card - VOP1248G-61
- 48-port VoIP line card
- Support H.248 version 2 or SIP singling protocol
- Compatible CPE including POTS phone, Fax, analog modem, and payphone
- Support G.711 a/ยต, G.726, G.729 a/b, G.723.1
- 20 K Busy Hour Call Attempts (BHCA)
- Configurable jitter buffer
- Support the generation of dial tone, second dial tone, ringing tone (ring-back tone), busy tone, the off-hook warning tone
- Support call waiting, call hold, call transfer, return and call back on busy
- Emergency call local route
- Local dial available
- MLT (Metallic loop Testing for subscriber lines) and GR-909 loop diagnostic
- Ringer Max output power: 15 Watt
Physical Specifications
- Item dimensions (WxDxH): 440 x 250 x 152 mm (17.32" x 9.84" x 5.98")
- Item weight: 5 kg (11.05 lb.)
- Packing dimensions (WxDxH): 566 x 381 x 322 mm (22.28" x 15" x 12.67")
- Packing weight: 9.3 kg (20.55 lb.)
Management Switch Card - MSC1000G
- Item dimensions (WxDxH): 267.4 x 240 x 37.55 mm (10.55" x 9.45" x 1.5")
- Item weight: 0.4 kg (0.88 lb.)
- Packing dimensions (WxDxH): 348 x 348 x 150 mm (13.7" x 13.7" x 5.9")
- Packing weight: 2.22 kg (4.86 lb.)
E1 IMA Card - IMA1408G-81
- Item dimensions (WxDxH): 390.6 x 240 x 13.8 mm (15.39" x 9.45" x 0.55")
- Item weight: 0.8 kg (1.77 lb.)
- Packing dimensions (WxDxH): 462 x 342 x 123 mm (18.18" x 13.46" x 4.84")
- Packing weight: 1.8 kg (3.96 lb.)
Ethernet Line Card - ELC1220G-55
- Item dimensions (WxDxH): 390.6 x 240 x 13.8 mm (15.39" x 9.45" x 0.55")
- Item weight: 0.5 kg (1.1 lb.)
- Packing dimensions (WxDxH): 462 x 342 x 123 mm (18.18" x 13.46" x 4.84")
- Packing weight: 2.48 kg (5.48 lb.)
VDSL Line Card - VLC1424G-56
- Item dimensions (WxDxH): 390.6 x 240 x 13.8 mm (15.39" x 9.45" x 0.55")
- Item weight: 1 kg (2.2 lb.)
- Packing dimensions (WxDxH): 462 x 342 x 123 mm (18.18" x 13.46" x 4.84")
- Packing weight: 2.54 kg (5.61 lb.)
VDSL Line Card - VLC1348G-51/VLC1348G-53
- Item dimensions (WxDxH): 390.6 x 240 x 13.8 mm (15.39" x 9.45" x 0.55")
- Item weight: 1.3 kg (2.87 lb.)
- Packing dimensions (WxDxH): 462 x 342 x 123 mm (18.18" x 13.46" x 4.84")
- Packing weight: 2.62 kg (5.79 lb.)
VDSL Line Card - VLC1324G-51/VLC1324G-53
- Item dimensions (WxDxH): 390.6 x 240 x 13.8 mm (15.39" x 9.45" x 0.55")
- Item weight: 1 kg (2.2 lb.)
- Packing dimensions (WxDxH): 462 x 342 x 123 mm (18.18" x 13.46" x 4.84")
- Packing weight: 2.72 kg (6.01 lb.)
ADSL Line Card - ALC1372G-51
- Item dimensions (WxDxH): 390.6 x 240 x 13.8 mm (15.39" x 9.45" x 0.55")
- Item weight: 1.1 kg (2.43 lb.)
- Packing dimensions (WxDxH): 462 x 342 x 123 mm (18.18" x 13.46" x 4.84")
- Packing weight: 2.2 kg (4.86 lb.)
ADSL Line Card - ALC1248G-51/ALC1248G-53
- Item dimensions (WxDxH): 390.6 x 240 x 13.8 mm (15.39" x 9.45" x 0.55")
- Item weight: 0.5 kg (1.1 lb.)
- Packing dimensions (WxDxH): 462 x 342 x 123 mm (18.18" x 13.46" x 4.84")
- Packing weight: 2.56 kg (5.66 lb.)
SHDSL Line Card - SLC1248G-22
- Item dimensions (WxDxH): 390.6 x 240 x 13.8 mm (15.39" x 9.45" x 0.55")
- Item weight: 0.5 kg (1.1 lb.)
- Packing dimensions (WxDxH): 462 x 342 x 123 mm (18.18" x 13.46" x 4.84")
- Packing weight: 2.1 kg (4.64 lb.)
VoIP Line Card - VOP1248G-61
- Item dimensions (WxDxH): 390.6 x 240 x 13.8 mm (15.39" x 9.45" x 0.55")
- Item weight: 0.5 kg (1.1 lb.)
- Packing dimensions (WxDxH): 462 x 342 x 123 mm (18.18" x 13.46" x 4.84")
- Packing weight: 2.48 kg (5.481 lb.)
Environmental Specifications
- Operating temperature: -40°C to 65°C (-40°F to 149°F)
- Storage temperature: -40°C to 85°C (-40°F to 185°F)
- Humidity: 10% ~ 95% (non-condensing)
- Power Supply: -48V DC
- Full load power consumption:
- IES-5005M: 15W
- MSC1000G: 30 W
- IMA1408G-81: 32 W
- ELC1220G-55: 40 W
- VLC1424G-56: 66 W
- VLC1348G-51/53: 93 W
- VLC1324G-51: 90 W
- VLC1324G-53: 70 W
- ALC1372G-51: 85 W
- ALC1248G-51/53: 70 W
- SLC1348G-22: 45 W
- VOP1248G-61: 95 W
- CE
- UL 60950, CSA 60950
- FCC part 15 Class A
- ITU-T K.20
- ETSI 300 019
- EN55022 Class A
- EN55024 Class A
- ETSI 300 386
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